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Associate Director Position - Ohio Council

  • 05 Jun 2019 1:23 PM
    Message # 7557405

    Associate Director Position – The Ohio Council of Behavioral Health & Family Services Providers

    The Ohio Council of Behavioral Health & Family Services Providers is an advocacy and trade association located in Columbus, Ohio representing over 150 private organizations that deliver addiction treatment and prevention, mental health, and family services to children, families, and adults across Ohio.  The Ohio Council offers state and federal policy advocacy, training and technical assistance, and business support to member organizations. We are seeking an Associate Director with industry or clinical experience to complement our existing policy team.

    This Associate Director position is responsible for:  analyzing state, federal, and legislative policies and rules; providing advocacy and education to membership on federal and state health care policy initiatives,  policy and practice changes impacting the behavioral health and family services marketplace;  routinely contributing to newsletters, bulletins, and policy committees; providing technical assistance to support clinical and business operations of members;  working collaboratively as part of a team focused on member services and the best interest of the clients served by our members; and maintaining the credibility and professional reputation of the Ohio Council.   This Associate Director position serves as a legislative and administrative agent on behalf of The Ohio Council.

    The ideal candidate will possess a Master’s degree in public policy, business administration, social work or a related field and will have management experience in community behavioral health services or related healthcare service delivery as well as working knowledge of healthcare integration, financing, managed care, and Medicaid policy.  State licensure as a behavioral health professional is preferred.  They will also demonstrate strong verbal communication, technical writing and public speaking skills, experience in reading and analyzing policies and rules, as well as the ability to work with members, other advocacy groups, legislators, and the state administration.

    The Ohio Council offers competitive salary and benefits in a collaborative work environment.  Send resume and cover letter to OC ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR at by June 21, 2019.

Questions and comments can be directed to Amy Barcelo, Executive Director at: PO Box 470001 | Broadview Heights, OH 44147 | 216.438.1994

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