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Assistant Professor - University of Toledo

  • 12 Nov 2018 7:35 PM
    Message # 6901727

    The University of Toledo invites applications for an open, tenure-track, assistant professor position starting August, 2019. Please see position details below; initial screening will begin on January 15th, 2019. Please feel free to contact Dr. Madeline Clark ( with any questions you may have about this opening.




    College of Health and Human Services

    The University of Toledo

    Toledo, OH 43606



    POSITION:               Assistant Professor of Counselor Education in the School of Intervention and Wellness (Tenure Track)


    JOB DESCRIPTION:      Primary responsibilities for this exemplary counselor educator are teaching master’s and doctoral level counseling courses and contributing to the overall success of the Counselor Education Program. Other responsibilities include advising counseling students, including dissertation supervision. Excellence in teaching is expected. Candidates must pursue a program of research and scholarship in their chosen area of counseling specialization and publish regularly in professional journals. Faculty members are expected to contribute to teaching, research, and service; first and foremost, and mentor students throughout their program of study.


    QUALIFICATIONS:     An earned doctorate in Counselor Education from a CACREP accredited program and evidence of accomplishments or strong potential for success in teaching, research, publications, grant writing, and professional service are required. Preferred candidates will show evidence of a multicultural and social justice worldview as evidenced by a professional interest in, experience working with, and advocating for underserved populations. Candidates that are eligible for licensure as a professional counselor and/or as a school counselor in Ohio are preferred. Persons who have completed all but their dissertation may apply; however, applicants must have earned their doctorate by August 12, 2019. Diverse candidates are encouraged to apply. 


    COMPENSATION:      The starting salary is commensurate with qualifications. The starting date is August 19, 2019. This is a nine-month, tenure-track appointment with possibilities of summer employment.



    TOLEDO:            The University of Toledo is one of 14 state universities in Ohio. We were established in 1872 and became a member of the state university system in 1967. The University of Toledo and the Medical University of Ohio merged July 2006 to form the third-largest public university operating budget in the state. The University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.



    COLLEGE OF HEALTH                        

    & HUMAN SERVICES:    Newly formed in July 2016, The College of Health and Human Services is organized into four basic Schools: Intervention and Wellness; Population Health; Social  Justice; & Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences. Undergraduate and Graduate work is available. The Intervention and Wellness Unit/Programs are accredited/approved by CACREP, NASP, and ASHA.



    PROCEDURE:         Available only online at A complete application must include: 1)Curriculum Vita 2)Cover letter 3)Academic Transcripts 4)License Verification 5)Statement of Teaching Philosophy 6)List of 3 professional references and 7) Up to 3 representative publications.  Inquiries are welcome to Dr. Madeline Clark, Faculty Search Chair, Counselor Education Program (



    DEADLINE:          Screening of applicants will begin on January 15th, 2019 and remain open until a suitable applicant is hired.



    The University of Toledo is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. The University of Toledo does not discriminate in employment, educational programs, or activities on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, ancestry, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, military or veteran status, disability, familial status, or political affiliation. The University of Toledo provides reasonable accommodation to individuals with disabilities.


    Lena Salpietro, M.A., LPC, NCC

    Doctoral Student, Counselor Education

    NCACES Emerging Leader 

    Editorial Fellow, Counselor Education & Supervision


    Northwest Ohio Counseling Association


Questions and comments can be directed to Amy Barcelo, Executive Director at: PO Box 470001 | Broadview Heights, OH 44147 | 216.438.1994

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