The Youngstown State University Counseling Program is now accepting applications for an intern who will begin a doctoral level Counselor Education internship in our program from August 2019 to May 2020. The YSU Counseling Program is CACREP-accredited with options in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, School Counseling, Addiction Counseling, and Student Affairs & College Counseling, and is located in northeast Ohio.
The doctoral internship can include both teaching and clinical counseling responsibilities. The intern will be responsible for the following: teaching counseling courses; attending faculty, department, college meetings, and program events (e.g., program banquet, new student orientation, program recruitment, etc.); participating in applicant interviews; serving on program and/or college committees; and teaching at least two courses during both the fall and spring semesters. Interns may gain counseling and supervision experience in our on-site Community Counseling Clinic. Stipends are based on salary allocations per course taught and are estimated to pay about $2,400 per academic course taught, or $9,600 to teach two courses during two semesters.
YSU counseling doctoral interns have obtained positions that are consistent with their professional and personal goals. Former YSU doctoral interns have successfully earned their doctoral degrees and are working full time as counselor educators and/or clinical supervisors across the country.
The intern will receive mentoring from program faculty to enhance their teaching, research and service. The intern should be a current doctoral student in a counselor education program and will be selected based upon relevant teaching, counseling, scholarship, and service experiences, letters of recommendations, and potential for their contribution to the counseling program through their work with faculty and students.
Interested counselor education doctoral students should email a cover letter, a copy of their curriculum vita, and three letters of recommendation to by November 1st, 2018. Feel free to contact me should you have any questions about this internship position (330) 941-3264, or email.
Visit for more information about the YSU Counseling Program.