Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities, a State of Ohio Agency, currently has a full-time position for a Financial Associate. I thought the position may spark an interest with your members. I have provided a link of the job posting and was hoping you could post the position on your Department’s announcement board.
Vocational Rehabilitation Caseload Assistant – Butler County
To apply, applicants must submit an online application through the State of Ohio’s career page at http://careers.ohio.gov.
Click on Search for State of Ohio Government Jobs, click the box next to Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities under the Agencies heading, click on Apply Search, and then click on the job title of the position.
Please feel free to contact me with questions.
Thank you!
Yolanda Ferguson, HCM Senior Analyst
Human Resource/Classifications and Selections
Phone: 614.438.1466
Fax: 614-985-7790