I have posted multiple vacancy announcements for full-time Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor
positions, headquartered in Ashtabula, Allen, Clark, Clermont, Franklin, Guernsey, Licking, Lucas, Richland, and Ross Counties. The working hours for these positions are Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., subject to management discretion. The postings will close on 11/12/2017 at 11:59 p.m. These positions are open to both internal and external applicants.
To apply, click the links above, or go to http://careers.ohio.gov, click on Search for State of Ohio Government Jobs, click the drop down arrow next to Filter, click on Department, scroll down and click on Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities under the Department heading, click on the X to close the Department list, and then click on the job title of the position.
Fatima Bratton
HCM Senior Analyst
Human Resources/Classification & Selections
Phone: 614 438-1417
Fax: 614 985-9779
Email: Fatima.Foster-Bratton@OOD.Ohio.gov