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Behavioral Health Counselor - Youngstown

  • 19 Nov 2019 3:48 PM
    Message # 8129692

    APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Send letters of intent and resume, to Compass Family and Community Services, Inc., 535 Marmion Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio 44502.

    Department: High Street

    Title: Behavioral Health Counselor

    Salary $: Full time with benefits. Competitive salary depending on experience.


    Must be committed to COMPASS’ Core Values of treating everyone with dignity and respect; being ethical, honest and having integrity; being team-oriented with a commitment to excellence; being engaged, supportive, and resilient; and being accountable and responsible to persons served, COMPASS and Community. The responsibility of this position is managing specialized work efficiently, with confidence and competence. This position performs duties in a welcoming, friendly and non-judgmental manner.

    1. INTERACTIONS with clients reflect competency in knowledge and application of substance use treatment strategies and interventions, assessments, counseling and advance the goals set forth in the ISP. Interactions are professional, ethical and non-judgmental.

    a) Diagnostic Assessment

    b) Individual Counseling

    c) Group Counseling

    d) Substance Use Interventions/Education

    e) CPST services (as applicable)

    f) Risk Assessment

    g) Spontaneous interactions and activities

    2. JUDGMENTS made about clients or activities on clients’ behalf are client/family-centered and appropriate both to the individuals’ assessed needs, level of readiness and functioning, preferences, and, the agency’s risk tolerance standards.

    a) Decisions pertaining to clients’ need for behavioral health interventions including needs for additional services, ancillary modalities, or more restrictive settings.


    b) Pursues additional support services to assist client in abstinence, acquiring knowledge, choice of treatment modalities, interventions and techniques based upon need and stage of readiness.

    c) Demonstration of critical thinking skills and independent performance in accordance within scope of practice.

    d) Pursues collateral contacts to gather additional psychosocial information when indicated

    e) Utilizes supervision and/or consultation to mitigate risk and process.

    3. DOCUMENTATION is clinically accurate, substantive, timely, and complete.

    a) Diagnostic Assessments

    b) Individualized Service Plans

    c) Progress Notes

    d) Transfer/Closure Summaries

    e) Risk Assessments

    f) Agency-specific documentation

    g) Conforms to Agency, ODMHAS, Medicaid, CARF and third-party payer standards

    h) Submitted within agency timeframes


    a) Documented billable activity divided by the total number of hours worked: standard for the job is at least 50% (based on a 40 hour work week).

    5. INTERACTIONS WITH ESSENTIAL OTHERS are constructive, professional and serve to advance the progress of clients in treatment, the quality of care and the agency’s standing in the community

    a) Peer and supervisors

    b) Other service providers

    c) Family and Significant Others as applicable.

    d) Legal entities: Jail staff, Probation Dept., Lawyers, Legal Guardians

    e) Other concerned members of the community


    a) Participates actively and productively in agency meetings and supervision sessions.

    b) Introduces and/or implements new ideas for improving the quality of care.

    c) Attentive/responsive to feedback from clients, significant others, community partners/members.

    d) Shares skills, knowledge, and expertise with other agency staff as part of an interdisciplinary team.

    e) Advances own level of skill and competency through participation in continuing education.



    Qualifications: Chemical Dependency credentials: LCDC II, LCDCIII, LICDC preferred. Mental Health credentials: LPC, LPCC, LISW required.

    Education/experience: Minimum of Bachelor’s degree in Social Services or Human Services. Minimum of three (3) years’ experience providing treatment of behavioral health disorders. Working knowledge of engagement, motivational, relapse prevention strategies, mental health and addiction counseling competencies. Knowledge of various mental health diagnoses and treatment modalities.

    Miscellaneous requirements: Criminal background check; Pre-employment drug screen; Clear driving record; TB Test; First Aid/CPR.

    Personal: Effective communication skills. Ability to accept behavioral and cultural differences in clients, and to respond in a positive manner. Willing to work flexible schedules that may include evenings.

    Physical Demands of job: Normal Activity, potential exposure to blood borne pathogens and infectious disease, majority of work takes place in the community, client homes.

    Exempt: Not eligible for over time.

Questions and comments can be directed to Amy Barcelo, Executive Director at: PO Box 470001 | Broadview Heights, OH 44147 | 216.438.1994

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