APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Send letters of intent and resume via Indeed or to HR, Box SOJO-CM, COMPASS Family & Community Services, 535 Marmion Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio 44502.
Department: Sojourner House
Title: Full-Time, Case Manager
Salary $: Competitive salary based on experience with comprehensive benefit package included.
Primary shift day turn Monday- Friday
General Duties:
Comprehensive case management services including, but not limited to, needs assessment and service planning, assistance in tasks of daily living, linkage, victims’ advocacy, assistance in developing a social support network, monitoring and evaluating ongoing services and needs to domestic violence victims
Collaborate with the Rape Crisis and Counseling Center as needed.
Act in coordination with the Sojourner Judicial Advocate and act as their backup as needed.
Complete data collection, and evaluations based on funding source survey format guidelines. Maintain case records according to established agency policy. Maintain monthly caseload statistics that are needed for grant reporting.
Assists as needed with various ongoing shelter operations, including monitoring calls on the crisis hotline, completing intake interviews, and providing other services as needed at Sojourner House.
Participate in training both locally and at the state level to increase knowledge of domestic violence dynamics, legal options, and the developmental needs of transitional youth.
Attend staff training, case conference and supervision meetings. Participate in the on-call rotation.
Education/Experience: Bachelor’s degree in Social Work or related field is preferred. Minimum of 2
year’s working with domestic violence and/or trauma survivors is preferred.
Technology: Must have working knowledge and experience in use of Microsoft office products.
Miscellaneous Requirements: Criminal background check; pre-employment drug screen; TB Test;
CPR/First Aid Training preferred. Must meet COMPASS automobile liability insurance carrier guidelines
to be insurable under the COMPASS policy. Note: COMPASS clients should be transported using a
COMPASS vehicle, if a COMPASS vehicle is not available then the staff member is responsible to verify
that they maintain adequate coverage through their personal carrier. If a COMPASS vehicle is not
available, then the staff member is responsible to verify that they maintain coverage through their personal
carrier for business related travel, including the transporting of clients, and must provide proof of
coverage to COMPASS prior to transporting any COMPASS clients.
Personal: Strong oral and written communication skills. Highly organized and detailed oriented.
Flexibility and the ability to multi-task is essential and to work within a team environment. Must have
working knowledge and experience in using Microsoft Office products and data base software. Ability to
work a flexible schedule based on the needs of the programs.
Physical Requirements: Normal Activity.
Exempt: Not eligible for over time